Migration Assistant does not support Share Disk thunderbolt connections

Number:rdar://FB9864910 Date Originated:1/29/22, 13:52 EST
Status:Open Resolved:
Product:macOS Product Version:macOS 12.2 (21D49)
Classification:Which area are you seeing an issue with? Installation/Setup/Migration/Recovery Reproducible:
Migration Assistant does not support Share Disk thunderbolt connections
FB9864910 — macOS

Basic Information

Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback:
Migration Assistant does not support Share Disk thunderbolt connections

Which area are you seeing an issue with?

What type of issue are you reporting?
Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior


What does the installation/setup/migration/recovery issue you are seeing involve?
Migration during installation

What build of macOS were you upgrading from?
macOS 12.2 (21D49)

What were you migrating from?
Another macOS installation

What time was it when this last occurred? (Example: 12:00 pm EST 02/14/2018)
11:02pm EST 1/27/2022


Please describe the issue and what steps we can take to reproduce it:
Migration Assistant does not appear to support “Share Disk,” the Apple Silicon equivalent of “Target Disk Mode.”
I attempted to migrate data between two A2442 MacBookPro18,4 (14” MacBook Pro 2021) machines both running 12.2.

With the source machine in Share Disk mode (Boot to recovery, Utilities > Share Disk), the two machines connected by a brand new 0.8m Apple Thunderbolt3 cable, the destination machine running Migration Assistant reports “Looking for sources…” forever.
From the Finder on the destination machine, I can Browse Network (as explained in https://support.apple.com/en-sa/guide/mac-help/mchlb37e8ca7/mac) and connect to the source machine, so I know the Thunderbolt connection is working.

Because Migration Assistant directs users to plug in a Thunderbolt Cable to speed transfers, this mode of connection should work.


1/29/22, 20:25:04  EST
Here’s a screenshot of the “Looking for other sources…” screen.

20220129_192705 looking for other.jpg


Please note: Reports posted here will not necessarily be seen by Apple. All problems should be submitted at bugreport.apple.com before they are posted here. Please only post information for Radars that you have filed yourself, and please do not include Apple confidential information in your posts. Thank you!