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Number Status Originator Product Title
rdar://FB8996237 Open dognotdog macOS / FaceTime FaceTime does not allow 3rd party video sources (DAL plugins)
rdar://FB8991416 Closed indiekiduk SwiftUI SwiftUI List: One row appears instead of two when quickly tapping add row button twice
rdar://FB8991280 Open scottearle macOS Active Directory "mobile account" not created, despite checking the checkbox
rdar://FB8990568 Open BilalReffas CoreBluetooth CoreBluetooth scan response contains old data set of previous discovery result
rdar://FB8990109 Open mail Xcode Xcode under Rosetta fails to run unit tests without host application and UI tests
rdar://FB8989554 Open tempelmann Xcode Xcode 12 creates defective nib files from storyboards for macOS 10.11 and 10.12
rdar://FB8988319 Open tmoschou Security Framework MacOS security framework fails to import RFC 7292 compliant PKCS #12 v1.1 file into keychain using modern cyphers
rdar://FB8987131 Open phillip.ennen macOS vmnet entitlement unusable for apps distributed as source
rdar://FB8985031 Open ZMKnox iOS Text in now playing views on Lock Screen and in control center does not scale up with dynamic type
rdar://FB8984624 mikelove PhotoKit PHPhotoLibrary needs a way to request access to a list of photo asset IDs
rdar://FB8984172 Closed indiekiduk Xcode SwiftUI toolbar not appearing in multiplatform Core Data App template launched on iOS
rdar://FB8983951 Open jscalo AVFoundation AVAudioSession: Mac Catalyst speaker reports input latency as 0
rdar://FB8983382 Potential fix identified - In Xcode 13 ncreated Xcode Local Network Privacy Prompt is not received from an XCTestCase
rdar://FB8982683 Open tim UIKit UITableView crashes on applying snapshot with UITableViewDiffableDataSource
rdar://FB8982283 Open eric.horacek Accessibility VoiceOver errantly focuses a text field on the presenting view controller following a custom modal presentation
rdar://FB8979052 Open kellerbryan19 macOS Catalyst UIScrollView Does Not Respect bounces=false
rdar://FB8979046 Open kellerbryan19 macOS Catalyst UIScrollView Scrolls Past Content Boundary
rdar://FB8978886 flashsheridan iOS/iPhone 6S siriinferenced 29.2% of CPU when not in use unless Press Home for Siri is disabled after upgrading 6S to iOS 14.3
rdar://FB8978333 Open burcea.bogdan.madalin SystemExtensions Framework NSEndpointSecurityEarlyBoot shortcoming when no FDA / TCC rights are given to the extension
rdar://FB8977366 Open skiinfobc UIKit Section content area is extended unexpectedly for a boundary item
rdar://FB8974037 Open you iPadOS/ImageCaptureCore ImageCaptureCore: Support tethered capture APIs in iPadOS
rdar://FB8971958 Open dfeinzimer Xcode Xcode 12.2 Idling during integration tests broken
rdar://FB8969539 Open jeremy.gale Xcode Xcode is unable to Archive a project with Preview Content
rdar://FB8968380 Open samflores23 Developer Tools | Xcode HIDDriverKit dext crashes due to missing symbols when built using Xcode 12
rdar://FB8966973 Open msschmitt macOS iTunes Home Sharing sees no tracks
rdar://FB8961534 Closed raffi.musa07 Xcode Xcode 12.3 doesn't include SDK iOS 14.4
rdar://FB8960652 thakis `touch` doesn't fill in nanoseconds for already-existing files
rdar://FB8960643 thakis `pax -rw -p m` sets mtimes with only seconds granularity
rdar://FB8959914 Open julesthecoder iOS I'd like to be able to persist / share data similar to the Notes apps between different iCloud users.
rdar://FB8959397 Open AlexanderMomchilov AppKit NSTableViewDiffableDataSource causes a strong retain cycle
rdar://FB8957502 Open tempelmann macOS NSURL incorrectly handles file paths with precomposed chars from NFS and SMB volumes
rdar://FB8957317 thakis macos can't reliably stat() some files using relative paths
rdar://FB8957277 thakis macOS Please add a `-l` flag to `cp`
rdar://FB8957230 thakis macos `pax -rwl` doesn't correctly set mtime on directories
rdar://FB8957014 Open oleksandr.kaverin Xcode Xcode Playground crashes with multiple Text items in SwiftUI VStack/HStack/List
rdar://FB8955913 Open aaronmaxlevy macOS Unable to catch errors thrown from NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest in Swift when HTTP response body is not nil
rdar://FB8954653 Open markvjal macOS Global hotkey events are not triggered while an NSStatusItem menu is open
rdar://FB8954522 Open ward macOS Dock Allow locking the dock to one screen without disabling separate spaces
rdar://FB8953635 Open william.c.henderson iOS CHHapticDeviceCapability.supportsHaptics returns false with paired controller
rdar://FB8950716 Open hotngui iOS PHPhotoViewController missing allowsEditing option

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