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Number Status Originator Product Title
rdar://FB8950682 Open hotngui iOS UIButton does not automatically adjust image size based on content type
rdar://FB8950679 Open fabian.guerra Core Image Using UIGraphicsImageRenderer to resize an image neglects updating image metadata
rdar://FB8948431 open Haux49 Routined deamon is taking too much CPU Usage
rdar://FB8948390 Open david.nick.main tvOS tvOS 14.3 SwiftUI LazyVStack fast scroll EXC_BAD_ACCESS in swift_release
rdar://FB8945522 Open florentmorin Developer Tools Git 2.28.0 minimum
rdar://FB8942305 Open thuy.copeland Xcode Xcode 12.3 simulators using iOS 14.3: blur views show bleed-through colors from wallpaper
rdar://FB8940785 Closed michalm.mac macOS InstallEnterpriseApplication package install gets cancelled when Setup Assistant is completed too quickly
rdar://FB8940758 Open florentmorin ExposureNotification Framework Bluetooth potential interferences with 4G LTE on ExposureNotification
rdar://FB8940303 Open kohlsen Xcode Cannot view PDF file in WKWebView on Mac mini M1
rdar://FB8939116 Open msschmitt macOS Mount of APFS drive freezes while Time Machine backup is in progress
rdar://FB8936914 Open burcea.bogdan.madalin SystemExtensions Framework Method for checking activation status of an [Endpoint Security] system extension.
rdar://FB8936188 Open sahand SwiftUI Form + ForEach Failing to Update NavigationLink Destination
rdar://FB8936158 Open motownavi InputMethodKit invalidateCharacterCoordinates does not trigger firstRectForCharacterRange
rdar://FB8935555 Closed defagos tvOS SwiftUI internal rendering engine crash (attempt to read deallocated ViewGraph reference)
rdar://FB8935060 Open harshilshah1910 SwiftUI The padding modifier should align to layoutMargins by default
rdar://FB8934914 Open cellsworth AVFoundation iOS 14.3 AVAssetWriter produces full range color video
rdar://FB8932965 Open defagos Xcode Symbolication issue with SPM 5.3 packages containing resources (BCSymbolMaps contains _hidden entries)
rdar://FB8930278 Open rossetantoine macOS API macOS Big Sur 11.0 crash on [paragraphStyle setParagraphStyle: [NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]];
rdar://FB8926031 Open tmoschou macOS pkill and pgrep truncates process lists to 2048 bytes (below ARG_MAX in syslimits.h)
rdar://FB8925129 Open jamesblackburn WindowServer M1 MacBook WindowServer hangs when logging in and monitor takes too long to wake up
rdar://FB8924923 Open nozomi.ito Xcode AXDisableAccessibilityOnTermination: kAXErrorCannotComplete
rdar://FB8924921 Open tanmay.sonawane macOS DisplayPort 1.4 DSC (Display Stream Compression) is not working on Big Sur
rdar://FB8923322 mail.junjie Notifications Long-pressing on any lock screen notification causes any notification sound that is currently playing to suddenly play at max volume
rdar://FB8923001 hmijail macOS UDP port stays open even after program dies
rdar://FB8922760 Open iCloud iCloud Holiday Calendars should get more legal/regional distinctions
rdar://FB8922558 Open mark macOS [Chrome] arm64: uncatchable spurious SIGILL received when a page fault occurs while calling a signal handler for any signal
rdar://FB8922191 Open jamesblackburn Spotlight Spotlight mds floods system.log with: Service exited due to SIGKILL
rdar://FB8921592 Open crdnilfan iOS mediaserviced dies when disconnected bluetooth headset after setting it as the preferred input multiple times
rdar://FB8919799 Open samjd1024 macOS SDK Frameworks/Security.framework/Headers/Authorization.h cannot be built against with GCC (syntax error)
rdar://FB8918491 Open PitNikola EventKit (macOS) EKEventStore requests access to Contacts when initialized (macOS)
rdar://FB8918117 open ozd iOS SDK - Foundation Calling URLCredentialStorage.shared.allCredentials prints a debugger message
rdar://FB8914414 Open mark macOS Rosetta: OAHSoftwareUpdate.framework crashes, leaks OAHSoftwareUpdateController objects, invokes completion callback block multiple times
rdar://FB8914243 Open mark macOS [Chrome] arm64: Copying a new Mach-O executable to an inode that previously contained a different Mach-O executable produces something that incorrectly fails code signature verification and won’t run
rdar://FB8914231 Open mark macOS [Chrome] arm64: Writing a Mach-O executable via mmap produces something that incorrectly fails code signature verification and won’t run
rdar://FB8912817 Open jackmousseau RealityKit RealityKit entity cloning doesn't appear to instance mesh resource
rdar://FB8910493 Closed recordtronic iOS Controlling volume with AVAudioEngine does not work properly
rdar://FB8909935 open scott.mcalister Xcode Cloned simulators in UI Test execute in parallel not available for simulator push notifications
rdar://FB8907873 Open v.silvansky iOS SDK SKReceiptRefreshRequest always fails in Xcode 12.2 with .storekit configuration file
rdar://FB8907671 Open hilojille SwiftUI Framework SwiftUI TabView with PageTabViewStyle calls onAppear of children multiple times on iOS 14.2
rdar://FB8906320 Open Jesse.Alex.Halley Image I/O Single frame GIF images are not correctly displayed with CGAnimateImageDataWithBlock

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