Search Results

Query: migration

Number Status Originator Product Title
rdar://FB9865600 Open jhawk macOS Migration Assistant prefers Peer-to-Peer over Thunderbolt
rdar://FB9865027 Open jhawk macOS support docs: Apple Silicon DFU instructions are hard to follow
rdar://FB9865009 Open jhawk macOS support docs: Incorrect info on "Revive or restore a Mac with Apple silicon using Apple Configurator 2" web page
rdar://FB9864975 Open jhawk macOS Migration Assistant can hang interminably when a Thunderbolt cable is plugged in mid-way.
rdar://FB9864957 Open jhawk macOS Migration Assistant misidentifies Thunderbolt as Ethernet and does not achieve Thunderbolt speeds
rdar://FB9864933 Open jhawk macOS Migration Assistant does not reject Share Disk thunderbolt connections.
rdar://FB9864910 Open jhawk macOS Migration Assistant does not support Share Disk thunderbolt connections
rdar://FB9692750 Open florentmorin SwiftUI Framework Migration from UIKit app lifecycle to SwiftUI app lifecycle fails
rdar://FB9682567 Open michalm.mac macOS Restoring user from TimeMachine during SetupAssistant after Automatic Device Enrollment does not enable it for User Channel MDM management
rdar://FB9682501 Open michalm.mac macOS Restoring entire Mac from TimeMachine during SetupAssistant breaks Automatic Device Enrollment
rdar://FB9044112 Open me Xcode Mapping Model created for models that contain a derived attribute don't match entity version hashes
rdar://FB9037296 Open jk MacBook Air M1 Mac cannot boot from external drive with FileVault enabled
rdar://FB8940785 Closed michalm.mac macOS InstallEnterpriseApplication package install gets cancelled when Setup Assistant is completed too quickly
rdar://FB8922191 Open jamesblackburn Spotlight Spotlight mds floods system.log with: Service exited due to SIGKILL
rdar://FB6108416 hmijail macOS Migration Assistant explodes sparse files51199796
rdar://FB13200039 Open minimaappslimited SwiftData SwiftData Crashes After Modifying The VersionedSchema More Than Once
rdar://FB11869882 avi /Library/InstallerSandboxes/.PKInstallSandboxManager not cleaned, accumulates 10-100 GB of junk
rdar://9820702 Open mclazarus Mac OS X Read about new features in data migration goes to bad help topic
rdar://9812662 Open me Mac OS X Migration Assistant should transfer iTunes authorization
rdar://9506250 Insufficient information mike.akers Developer Tools Xcode 4 can't create IPA files after being restored from a time machine backup
rdar://8666385 reppepreppep Mac OS X Time Machine restore capabilities are inadequate
rdar://7731838 Open kohlmannj Mac OS X Spotlight fails to generate results while other Spotlight searches execute
rdar://7347652 Open iKenndac Mac OS X EXC_BAD_ACCESS when migrating an SQLite Core Data store in 10.6.x
rdar://7321565 Open designatednerd Xcode Xcode 11 does not load .xclangspec files for syntax highlighting
rdar://7281957 Open mgprot Mac OS X Can't migrate selected apps with Migration Assistent
rdar://6815516 Open chrishhong Mac OS X iSync & BlueTooth don't pairs & syncs contacts or calendar with Nokia handphone
rdar://6355950 Open pilky Developer Tools Xcode's refactoring engine doesn't affect mapping models
rdar://49463569 Duplicate/48634159 (Closed) rsfinn Developer Tools Xcode 10.2: Swift 5 conversion leads to spurious compiler error
rdar://4832566 Open steventroughtonsmith None [REQ] Migration Assistant able to select from Previous Systems on same disk
rdar://46839794 misacek LLVM / ObjC [FEATURE REQ] `assume_nullable` macro in LLVM & Objective C [Xcode 10]
rdar://46228094 Open random4444 Developer Tools Migrating projects: "Turn off Swift 3 inference" actually turns it on!
rdar://45154493 Open RyanMcLeod iCloud iCloud encounters an unexpected error when setup on a second cloned machine
rdar://45154371 Open RyanMcLeod Other Radar is missing "Migration Assistant" and "iCloud" from "Choose Product" dropdown
rdar://45153677 Open RyanMcLeod Mac OS Time Machine restore on a new Mac fails without explanation if target OS is older than back-up's
rdar://43890313 Open jacob.greenfield.256 macOS + SDK NSPortNameServer/NSXPCConnection in beta SDK
rdar://40823324 jforester Xcode/Swift
rdar://40669425 Open KrauseFx Developer Tools Automatic installation of a specific version of Xcode
rdar://35780837 DUPLICATE OF 34003134 | OPEN lewisriley macOS + SDK Replace user account is not available in macOS High Sierra's Migration Assistant
rdar://35648336 Duplicate/25569037 klaasmer macOS + SDK Preferences Panes written in Swift 4 and used in High Sierra
rdar://35195265 alex Xcode Allow modifying the Objective-C bridging header file from Xcode Source Editor Extension
rdar://35012954 Closed ferguspa macOS Migrated Account from Snow Leopard Will Not Authenticate in High Sierra
rdar://34158444 Duplicate/31328329 - Closed yryo617 macOS + SDK Input Method Icons do not reflect the state of Input Method used on the text field in focus
rdar://33967043 Resolved eholtam 10.13 /usr/local SIP restricted upon NetBoot with included package NBI creation
rdar://31042108 Open madmodmail macOS 10.12 Sierra keyboard driver changes have broken widely used Keyboard customization app
rdar://30577177 Open designatednerd iOS Setting UIAppearanceProxy on UINavigatonBar screws up MFMailCompose/MFMessageComposeViewController's nav bar
rdar://2939675 me Unable to install macOS High Sierra due to ‘failure to validate firmware’
rdar://2939675 me Unable to install macOS High Sierra due to ‘failure to validate firmware’
rdar://29109640 Open ch XCode "Instance method nearly matches optional requirement", workaround is not working for method with an Error parameter.
rdar://28573366 Open thad.mcdowell Xcode The code migration tool for Swift 3.0 is not working in Xcode 8
rdar://28383144 Open bruno App Store Incorrect App Store rejections for name clashes on methods that happen to be named like private API
rdar://28265400 Open markd Developer Tools Xcode8 - failure during Swift migration process erroneously sets "hey I converted to Swift 3" state
rdar://27793851 Open prachi OS X SDK AffineTransform() and NSAffineTransform() initializers are not semantically equivalent
rdar://27689184 Open markd Developer Tools Xcode8 : swift 3 migration breaks index, no help or inference until success build
rdar://27478634 Open markd Developer Tools Xcode8: option-click provides no useful info after swift-3 migration
rdar://27477891 Open markd Developer Tools Xcode8b3: Swift 3 migrator seems to work, but has errors in issue navigator
rdar://27162355 dupe 20088922 markd Developer Tools Xcode8 - Swift 3 migrator leaves spurious build errors in issue navigator
rdar://27079603 Open neilkimmett Developer Tools Xcode suggests incorrect function renaming
rdar://26896482 Open mabdala Xcode [8S128d] "No source changes necessary" on a migration to Swift 3
rdar://26886954 Duplicate of 26924050 (open) keithbsmiley Developer Tools Swift 3.0 migrator adds try twice if methods are chained
rdar://26886830 Works as intended keithbsmiley Developer Tools Swift 3.0 migrator code inside invalid #if isn't migrated
rdar://26850267 Open bkobilansky Xcode Editor Extensions should be able to prompt for user approval of changes
rdar://26797113 Open designatednerd Documentation IPv6 Testing Setup Does Not Match State of IPv6 testing for App Store
rdar://25617791 Closed adigitalknight Developer Tools Migration to modern ObjC subscripting syntax should replace `removeObjectForKey:` with `= nil`
rdar://25288532 Duplicate of 9081567 piet.brauer iOS Update/Migration process should work in Landscape
rdar://23679335 Open armadsen OS X App sandbox migration often fails to migrate user defaults
rdar://23664591 steve OS X Profile setting of "Disable Automatic Login" prevents use of Migration Assistant
rdar://23613139 Open rabaxabel Mac OS X / Photos Photos 1.2 (340.4.0) can't migrate an iPhoto archive from AFP share
rdar://23515360 Open sean.labastille Developer Tools TestFlight 1.3.1 overwrites data for bundles installed from App Store
rdar://23336152 Open alexander.rupsch Developer Tools Xcode 7.1: Cannot use xcappdata package in simulator
rdar://23300247 Open pepi.zawodsky OS X Server Server 5.0.15 update never finishes
rdar://23111942 Open xhruso00 OS X SDK ABPersonView creates new person without image
rdar://23069237 Open Bernhard.Loibl Developer Tools Xcode 6.3: Cannot use xcappdata package in simulator
rdar://22931082 Open tobias.conradi.hh Mail Mail looses e-mail aliases when upgrading from 10.10 to 10.11
rdar://22870806 Open dennis Developer Tools Swift: `throws` keyword annotated with types
rdar://22846014 Open pepi.zawodsky OS X Server Server 5.0.4 certificate use/selection completely broken and unusable for ANY TLS!
rdar://22832553 Open cpickslay Xcode Xcode 7 Swift 2 migration tool misses API changes
rdar://22646088 Closed rtrouton Documentation The "File System Protections" section of the System Integrity Protection Guide developer documentation incorrectly lists /Applications/Utilities as being SIP-protected
rdar://22269759 Closed Dupe lewisthesmith Xcode Xcode 7 beta 5: ibtool can't build - The file “Info.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file
rdar://21701616 Open biard.romain iOS Unable to install new AdHoc version of an app over its live version installed from AppStore
rdar://20622011 Duplicate/18050217 pcgoracke Developer Tools Xcode 6.3: Cannot use xcappdata package in simulator
rdar://20446896 Closed dieter.komendera OS X Migration Assistant doesn't migrate empty directories in /usr/local
rdar://20085508 Open thomas.visser iOS SDK Migration away from attributes that have a reserved name (e.g. type) does not work
rdar://19624135 Open jeeeyul iOS iCloud core data ubiquity peer id is changing when a app is updated, It causes user data loss.
rdar://19079060 Open chiselapps Xcode Core Data Mapping Model Wizard Ignores Abstract Entities
rdar://18119318 Open bryan iOS SDK Extensions: Need a way to migrate data into a shared container without requiring the user to explicitly launching the containing app before using the extension
rdar://17383094 Open quellish iOS SDK CoreData: NSMigrationManager: NSProgress for migration progress and cancellation
rdar://16038419 Open jerrykrinock OS X SDK NSMigrationManager wipes NSSQLitePragmasOption into NSNull
rdar://15925197 Open frank.illenberger Developer Tools CoreData: Managed objects lose attribute values after store migration
rdar://15873041 Open jerrykrinock OS X SDK Duplicated Non-WAL NSPersistentDocument Has WAL
rdar://15555487 Open armadsen OS X SDK Manually initiated Core Data migration fails if existing store was created with WAL journaling on, as is default on 10.9
rdar://15526703 Duplicate designatednerd iOS SDK Resetting UIAppearanceProxy for MFMailComposeViewController/MFMessageComposeViewController does nothing.
rdar://15524343 Duplicate of 15461127 george Developer Tools Xcode server bot simulators reset
rdar://14954149 Open lhunath iCloud Determine whether an NSPersistentStore is currently using local storage.
rdar://13982460 Open pbendersky iOS SDK Core Data - Migration Manager fails with journal_mode = WAL
rdar://13975213 Open an00na iOS Core Data can not find Mapping Model
rdar://13936873 Open pepi.zawodsky OS X Server OS X Server cannot authenticate any DAV service after migration from 10.6.8
rdar://13936819 Open pepi.zawodsky OS X Server RADIUSd segfaults after Migration from 10.6.8
rdar://13077068 Open matthias.hochgatterer iPhone SDK Core Data lightweight migration fails when merging models from main bundle
rdar://12253540 Open poissonnier iCloud migratePersistentStore does not work for ubiquitous stores
rdar://12153321 Open steve.madsen iPhone SDK It should be possible to create a new required 1:1 relationship

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